Приемная комиссия: +7 (855-33) 1-00-04
Использование куки

Scientific school №1

A student has a million questions every day. How to get help? How to replace a student card? Is it possible to extend the session? The Student Office knows the answers to these and many other questions.

Our managers will always tell you where to go with questions that are not related to the activities of the office.

Common Targets:

  • Education of socially healthy youth through the training of highly qualified specialists;
  • Formation of a system of values ​​and worldview of students, increasing a sense of patriotism and civic responsibility;
  • Formation of culture and development of the creative potential of students;

Contact Information

Scientific schools
Document scientific schools and laboratories
pdf, 0.63 MB
Изображение слайдера
Изображение слайдера
Изображение слайдера
Изображение слайдера
Изображение слайдера
Изображение слайдера
Изображение слайдера
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